Donate to FosterCat
Your donation goes toward food, supplies, veterinary care, and recruitment materials for foster homes in Pittsburgh and vicinity.
Please also consider becoming a member or a sponsor of FosterCat, Inc. Read about the benefits of membership at "Become a Member" and about individual and corporate sponsorships at "Become a Sponsor".
If the kitties could thank you themselves, they would, but we have to do it for them! Thank you!
Send a check the old-fashioned way.
To donate to FosterCat, Inc., send your check or money order payable to FosterCat, Inc. along with your name and mailing address (so we may thank you) to:
- FosterCat, Inc.
- P.O. Box 23414
- Pittsburgh, PA 15222

How can you resist these faces? Don't hesitate if you see someone you like to take them home. They may be adopted the next time you stop back!

Become a FosterCat Foster Parent! Do you love cats? Would you like to help save the lives of homeless cats and kittens?

Time is a precious commodity and we all seem to have too little of it. Still, somehow we usually manage to do the things that are important to us.

By donating to FosterCat, you are assisting an organization that is saving lives every day by providing temporary shelter for cats who may not have another chance.